The Barkly Regional Deal (the Deal) is an agreement between the Australian Government, Northern Territory Government and Barkly Regional Council. The three tiers of government have made a commitment to the community to work with them to ensure the Deal contributes to the community’s vision:

Strong Barkly communities and families, together determining our future and thriving in both worlds.

The 10-year, $100.5 million commitment from the three tiers of government is to improve the productivity and liveability of the Barkly region by stimulating economic growth, improving social outcomes and supporting Aboriginal leadership.

A statement from the Australian Government representative overseeing the Deal, Assistant Minister for Regional Development, Senator the Hon Anthony Chisholm

Landscape of Epenarra: Artist Susie Peterson, Epenarra 2018

"This image embodies traditional ritual knowledge of the Wutunugurra community. It was created with the consent of the custodians of the community. Dealing with any part of the image of any purpose that has not been authorised by the custodians is a serious breach of the customary laws of the Wutunugurra community."

"This image embodies traditional ritual knowledge of the Wutunugurra community. It was created with the consent of the custodians of the community. Dealing with any part of the image of any purpose that has not been authorised by the cutodians is a serious breach of the customary laws of the Wutunugurra community."

Aboriginal Community Statement

We, the Aboriginal people from the Barkly region, have a connection to our traditional lands and waters, passed on through our ancestors, which continues today through our unique languages, cultures and histories.

We acknowledge our Elders; those who have gone before us; those with us today; those who are emerging and will lay down the foundation for our future.

We acknowledge those who have settled on our land, introducing other languages, cultures and having their own histories; developing our lands to accommodate the demands of Australian society; providing the benefits that this development has to offer. Past developments have been undertaken without our involvement and consultation, or understanding of our needs.

We invite all levels of government, business, service providers and the communities throughout the Barkly region to work with and involve us in the planning and delivery of social, cultural and economic activities to ensure the opportunities which arise are for the benefit of us all.

We commit to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to strengthen our relationships, identify opportunities and deliver sustainable outcomes through a process based on mutual respect, understanding and acceptance of our differences.

Key components of the Barkly Regional Deal

  • The three government partners are all financial contributors to the Deal. The Australian Government contribution is $51.7 million, the Northern Territory Government contribution is $45.8 million, and the Barkly Regional Council contribution is $3 million.
  • Funding covers delivery of 28 initiatives, which are a mix of programs and projects focused on achieving social, economic and place-making outcomes for the Barkly.
  • Funding also supports the Deal Governance Table (the Governance Table), the Barkly Aboriginal Alliance (the Alliance) and the Barkly Backbone Team (the Backbone Team) deliver the initiatives with local Aboriginal leadership and community input.
  • Implementation of Deal initiatives is working with a community-led approach, with local decision-making and oversight provided by the 22-seat Governance Table.
  • Community-based Working Groups supported by the Deal-funded Backbone Team, facilitate implementation of some initiatives and are accountable to the Governance Table.
  • On-ground stakeholder collaborations in the Barkly are supported by the Backbone Team, which is a community engagement and coordinating body providing services to the Governance Table, Working Groups, and the Alliance. Services include but are not limited to; secretariat, governance and leadership capability development, data evaluation, project management and communications. The Australian and Northern Territory governments fund the Backbone Team.
  • The Administration Group, a sub-committee of the Governance Table, is a leadership team that provides direction and support to the Backbone Team, executes financial auspicing, and provides administrative and resourcing recommendations to the Governance Table. It is also a conduit between the Backbone Team and the Governance Table.
  • Established in 2021, the Alliance represents the views of Aboriginal people in communities and homelands across the Barkly outside of Tennant Creek. The Alliance has four seats at the Governance Table.


  • Since the start of the Deal in 2019, six initiatives have been endorsed complete by the Governance Table:
    • Initiative 7: Upgrade of Alpurrurulam Airstrip
    • Initiative 17: Multi-purpose Accommodation Facility
    • Initiative 20: Community Sports Program
    • Initiative 21: Aged Care Services in the Barkly Region
    • Initiative 22: Childcare Places
    • Initiative 26: Arts Centre in Elliot - Feasibility Study
  • On 4 October 2023, progress on several Deal initiatives was celebrated in Tennant Creek with Australian Government and NT Government Ministers in attendance:

latest communiques

Aboriginal leadership is critical to the success of the Barkly Regional Deal.

Key components of the Barkly Regional Deal

  • The three government partners are all financial contributors to the Deal. The Australian Government contribution is $51.7 million, the Northern Territory Government contribution is $45.8 million, and the Barkly Regional Council contribution is $3 million.
  • Funding covers delivery of 28 initiatives, which are a mix of programs and projects focused on achieving social, economic and place-making outcomes for the Barkly.
  • Funding also supports the Deal Governance Table (the Governance Table), the Barkly Aboriginal Alliance (the Alliance) and the Barkly Backbone Team (the Backbone Team) deliver the initiatives with local Aboriginal leadership and community input.
  • Implementation of Deal initiatives is working with a community-led approach, with local decision-making and oversight provided by the 22-seat Governance Table.
  • Community-based Working Groups supported by the Deal-funded Backbone Team, facilitate implementation of some initiatives and are accountable to the Governance Table.
  • On-ground stakeholder collaborations in the Barkly are supported by the Backbone Team, which is a community engagement and coordinating body providing services to the Governance Table, Working Groups, and the Alliance. Services include but are not limited to; secretariat, governance and leadership capability development, data evaluation, project management and communications. The Australian and Northern Territory governments fund the Backbone Team.
  • The Administration Group, a sub-committee of the Governance Table, is a leadership team that provides direction and support to the Backbone Team, executes financial auspicing, and provides administrative and resourcing recommendations to the Governance Table. It is also a conduit between the Backbone Team and the Governance Table.
  • Established in 2021, the Alliance represents the views of Aboriginal people in communities and homelands across the Barkly outside of Tennant Creek. The Alliance has four seats at the Governance Table.


  • Since the start of the Deal in 2019, six initiatives have been endorsed complete by the Governance Table:
    • Initiative 7: Upgrade of Alpurrurulam Airstrip
    • Initiative 17: Multi-purpose Accommodation Facility
    • Initiative 20: Community Sports Program
    • Initiative 21: Aged Care Services in the Barkly Region
    • Initiative 22: Childcare Places
    • Initiative 26: Arts Centre in Elliot - Feasibility Study
  • On 4 October 2023, progress on several Deal initiatives was celebrated in Tennant Creek with Australian Government and NT Government Ministers in attendance:

latest communiques

Aboriginal leadership is critical to the success of the Barkly Regional Deal.

Insert section on Barkly sports and a link to the website