A Plan to Make the Most of $17 Billion Investment For the Barkly

The 2030 Barkly Economic Growth Strategy has been developed by working groups of Barkly business leaders, Aboriginal business enterprises, industry groups and community stakeholders.  The Vision developed by the group is uniquely inclusive – Together we are thriving and strong, so everyone in the Barkly region can make the most of opportunities from investment and growth.

Trauma Informed Care: Barkly Regional Deal Sponsers We Al-li

We Al-li are providing culturally informed-trauma integrated workshops in Tennant Creek and is planning to visit communities across the Barkly. The programs, which are free and open to all community members, are for health, sharing culture and regenerating the spirit.

Community Grant Lights up Canteen Creek

Owairtilla Barkly Regional Deal

Canteen Creek’s streets will be lit up at night, thanks to a new street lighting project funded by the Barkly Regional Deal Local Community Projects Fund.

New Barkly grants program supports locally-led projects in communities and homelands

Barkly community grants

A new community grants program is being rolled out across the Barkly. The Barkly Regional Deal’s Local Community Projects Fund is a program offering small, medium and large grants for community-led projects in the Barkly’s remote communities and homelands. The grant program is about supporting projects in the regions remote areas and increasing local participation in community development.

A win for strong Barkly voices: Acting Prime Minister announces new logistics facility study

A win for strong Barkly voices: Acting Prime Minister announces new logistics facilitystudy. The Australian and Northern Territory governments are actioning a development priority raisedby the Barkly Regional Deal’s Economic Growth and Support (EGS) Working Group. On 14 January, Acting Prime Minister the Hon Michael McCormack MP announced jointAustralian and Northern Territory Government funding for a $325,000 study for the…